Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This blog is now closed...

Hi there, this blog will no longer be updated. To view the new blog with new entries, recent sessions and awesome pics, please visit...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Family Love

This layout style is a favourite of mine at the moment.

Thank you for all your well-wishes for my mum -- it's all positive energy for her speedy recovery.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Why the tea-cosy?

I don't know... I should know better than to dress up my children in hats for the sake of a photo. But she's my last baby and I just wanted to. Imogen wasn't impressed. She's far cooler than her mother. But she's mega-cute, huh!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mother of Four

Thank you to my dear friend who helped me out for this project. She was such a good sport and happily posed as required. Where would we be without our good friends? And yes, it's true... a mother of four with the youngest not yet one.

Bookings Update: There are only two sessions left for April and I am already booking in to May. Please give me a call to discuss session availability.

And now I'll leave you with some from a recent session. Happy Easter everyone, lots of happiness, Angie x

Friday, March 7, 2008

March is Fully Booked

And April is filling up. So if you are wanting a session before Mother's Day, please contact me asap to check availability. And here are a few of this scrumpy little guy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

5 days old...

A good friend of mine had her 4th child last week - sweet baby Gwyneth. While this was not an official shoot, I couldn't resist taking my camera along for our first meeting. She is breathtaking -- happy days ahead for them :)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Catching Up

I have spent this last week catching up on things - accounts, cleaning out hard drives, designing a new price list (looks very spiffy!), building a new website (launching tonight!). While building the gallery and I found some fun shots from a shoot last year and thought I would share.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mild Sparrow

This is Melbourne musician/singer Mild Sparrow. These were shot around Northcote. Check out his music at

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A funny guy

I have been photographing some bands and comedians recently for a new project. This is Michael Connell, a Melbourne-based stand-up comedian. I've yet to see his show, but he was a lovely guy and great subject.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Just my sweet babe again - I do have other children by the way :) More client posts tomorrow.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The kids

A big week or so for us. Imi started crawling just before her first birthday.

Then she turned one.

Then Jazzy started Grade One and Will started 4yr old kinder (which is "much bigger than 3yr old kinder").

Then Imi was busted getting busy in the pantry.

And she found an onion.

And then mummy took the onion (is it wrong of me to photograph this pain?).

Then Will walked around with his shorts on his head (which is completely normal, right?).

Sunday, January 27, 2008


There were so many fantastic shots from this pregnancy shoot, I just can't choose my favourites. Happiness reigns :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Little Imi...

Oh dear, how did my last newborn become a one year old? Here are a few quick snaps from last week, before she could crawl (do we love the dribble?). Now she's a moving target - gravitating towards DVD players and loose cords, as they do. My children are long overdue for a proper portrait from mum. Hopefully this long weekend :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


and there have been many. More nights out with friends and less wine (not at the same time), more bedtime stories, less treats (for me) - and definitely keeping this blog up to date. Pre-Xmas was a fantastic time for my photography - some of the best shoots. I will post some samples over the next week or so. As for the new year, lots of exciting products and projects on the go. Stay tuned :) For now, I'll start the new year with a few from this little man's first photo shoot.